Monday, 28 February 2011

About the Club

About two years ago, local cyclists supported by Chelmsford Borough Council ran a one off series of weekly off-road cycling sessions leading up to the annual Cyclo-Cross race held in Springfield. When the course was finished, the children wanted to keep cycling with the group that had developed and the so the cycling club began, informally, eventually becoming established as Chelmsford Youth Cycling Club and affiliated to British Cycling, the UK governing body.

The club meets every Saturday morning throughout the year, regardless of the weather. Our usual meeting place is in the car park at Writtle College Sports Ground, Fox Burrows Lane, off Lordship Lane, Writtle, Chelmsford, CM1 3RR (Map).  Writtle College kindly allow us to use a fully equipped training room within the pavillion as a club room. When the weather is really bad we run cycle maintenance workshops from there.

Enthusiastic parent volunteers at the club include three qualified British Cycling coaches and a National Cycling Standards (Bikeability) Instructor. Anyone taking responsibility for club activities is regularly CRB checked and we have a dedicated Club Welfare officer who leads on Safeguarding.

We're interested in all kinds of cycling, from just messing about on bikes, to touring, to competing in cyclesport disciplines like MTB, Cyclo-Cross and Road Racing. We have members who race and who ride just for fun. We're often seen riding off-road using mountainbikes on the extensive network of trails that begin right outside our base. We have routes where you can ride for miles without having to use a road. We also do road rides using picturesque country lanes to reach out of the way cafes in nearby villages. We encourage parents to join in if they can, though it's not necessary.

Most importantly, the club offers children the opportunity to cycle with other children of a similar age and ability level. We also go on trips and camps with our bikes, on 16 April this year we're visiting the Olympic MTB venue at Hadeigh and on 21/22 May we're taking our bikes and tents to camp in Epping Forest for the weekend.

To find out more email James.